When prospective parents begin the journey of adopting internationally, reputable adoption agencies provide information, support and a detailed vetting process to assist prospective parents in making informed decisions about their adoptive process. Many different countries offer the opportunity for Canadian families to adopt orphaned children. One of the steps that these countries require is a psychological assessment which screens for mental health concerns that are occurring at a level that would interfere with healthy parenting. These assessments are not intended to discriminate against those who may be living with anxiety or other well managed mental wellness concerns, they are intended to protect children against extreme situations that would put them at risk. These assessments typically are completed in one or two sessions and involve an interview as well as standardized assessment measures. Which assessment measures that are used can change depending on the requirements of the country the family is adopting from. As such, adopting families are encouraged to verify with their adoption agency which measures are required. The team at Sand Story looks forward to being a part of your adoption journey.