Workshops & Training
Sand Story Psychology Services is pleased to offer training opportunities for conferences, in-house training, professional development days, and standalone workshops. The following is a list of some specific training opportunities that are available from Dr. Deborah Bell. Each training opportunity is intended to support professionals in building on their knowledge about mental health in the early years, as well as adding to their existing skillset in terms of supporting young children and adolescents who struggle with mental health issues. Professionals that would benefit from these training seminars include anyone working with children and adolescents (consultants, childcare providers, teachers, therapists, and others). All workshops can also be geared towards parents to provide information, strategies, and support for a variety of parenting concerns.
A variety of presentation tools are used to make each seminar easy to follow, enjoyable, and ultimately informative, including lecture type speaking, interactive exercises, discussion, Q&A periods, and video clips of relevant material.
The list below provides examples of some of the topics we have offered in the past, however, it is by no means exhaustive. We are happy to work with individual groups in tailoring a learning curriculum to your specific needs.
- Entering the World of the Child: Understanding Attachment.
- Beyond Time Out: Parenting through Connection
- Beyond Time Out: Nurturing responses to behavioural challenges
- Cultural Connections: First Nations Perspective of Attachment
- Circle of Security Parenting Introduction: Where is your child on the circle?
- The Heartbreak Kid: Parenting after Trauma
- A Story of Connectedness: Reflections of Attachment in Traditional Aboriginal Approaches to Parenting
- Entering the World of the Child: The Importance of Play
- What to do with Worry Worms: Supporting Children with Anxiety
- Recipe for Resilience: Teaching through Connection
Supervision for Students and Professionals
Our supervising psychologists meet the requirements set out by the College for supervising applicants for registration. We supervise students and professionals in their clinical work and often teach at the university level. We offer supervision in the areas of individual therapy, play therapy, trauma, and attachment.
The supervising psychologists are all energized by supervising other professionals in their clinical work and support therapists in their work with all types of clients. We supervise psychologists, counselors and students at all different levels of experience. We hold the perspective that each therapist brings with them their own experience, insights and talents, and that growth as a therapist should be nurtured and inspired.
The Sand Story supervising psychologists provide external supervision to therapists already working with a client body or alternatively providing clients for therapists requiring a full on-site internship.
For more information about Dr. Bell’s approach to supervision, see Lose the Parent, Lose the Child.
For additional information about training opportunities or to discuss supervision, please complete the Contact Form.